
Our Impact

A life is not important except in the impact it has on others.

Creating financial opportunities for the society with the power of eCommerce education.

At Webverbal, fight to narrow the digital divide, and level the playing field for independent sellers, Youth, Women, SHGs and MSMEs through the power of eCommerce knowledge sharing by imparting evidence-based eCommerce educational curriculum and address some of society’s most challenging issues like real financial inclusion that scales to address gaps in digital divide. We innovate and develop unique eCommerce courses and find new ways to deliver them to as many people as possible.


Artisans Reached


Unemployed youth taught


Organizations covered


Hours of sessions delivered

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The Problem

Skill demand and supply gap

Demand for eCommerce experts is growing at a much faster pace than the supply of employable people in the ecommerce sector.

India’s total internet user base is set to grow from 665 million in 2019 to 829 million by 2021. So, the inherent potential of the market is undeniable. And, yet, ecommerce remains highly underpenetrated with only 50 million online shoppers, of whom only 20 million are active monthly purchasers.

The problem in India is that despite the booming eCommerce market, there is a lack of skilled people, the gap between demand and supply is huge. One of the reasons for this anomaly is not giving eCommerce the due importance as a distinct educational subject.

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The opportunities

eCommerce industry in India is booming with double digit growth and it has the potential to create 1 million jobs by the year 2023. eCommerce sector not only gives entrepreneurs freedom and the ability to work from anywhere, but also it has got the capacity to transform the economy landscape of India within the shortest span of time.

While some industries require years of qualifications, or a long history in the industry – working in the eCommerce sector is open to anyone who has taken the time to build up knowledge and skills within the area.

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The Solutions

There is an immediate need for bringing this sector eCommerce in the mainstream education system with specialized courses designed not only for job seekers but also for independent entrepreneurs with high quality training and skill development programs designed and trained not by academics but by real time eCommerce experts.

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Webverbal Impact

Building awareness and sense of empowerment.

Webverbal is creating awareness and developing job-ready eCommerce skills among the different communities through co-operation among youth, women, SHGs, MSMEs, entrepreneurs to work together and bring positive changes in the society.

Igniting minds for a positive change.

Our uniquely designed training programs create a sense of responsibility amongst our trainees and drive them towards the path of entrepreneurship and to become job creators rather than becoming job seekers.

Driving a journey of Proactive – actions.

Ground-breaking training programs conducted in collaborations with reputed organizations impact thousands of people, which includes vulnerable sections of the society like tribal artisans and bring them financial empowerment